Wristwatch Roulette III of XII: Synoke DS

What’s this; Now/Then? #

If you’ve just joined us, welcome to my series: Wristwatch Roulette, where I furnish my forearm with two fancy finds a fortnight, from fan-favourite Ali Express, market of choice for my 2023 series Shenzhen Safari, and 2024 series Shenzhen Sojourn.

Hello you//I love you #

The duality inherent in manly, womanly, and beastly endeavours is not lost on Synoke. Perhaps this idea fuelled the spawning of today’s rakish, wrist-ready, retro ripper: a two-tone, two-timing, black, blue, and green monster. A vast array of golden ratio gone awry.

Wringing me dry: post-modern, post-hummus [sic], and post-shower; I’m left with another non-reactive, jelly-supple strap.

No rash or rasher or ration.
No rise, no fall, no Roman numerals.
Decadent in design, detail, and discordance.

Oh, and regarding rashers, the ratio is a little bacon-esque, no?

Synoke: DS

With a little hue shift, we can see into the gammon spectrum gamut.

Synoke: DS

If only this could colour change like the R-SHOCK from WR1!

She’s quirky//He’s unique and curious in expressing himself. #

I’m addicted and perplexed.

Another bat-shit crazy design decision that works so well.

You can see clearly now Lo-reign has gone: bog-standard internet idiots snort about the asymmetry of yonder American date format: First month, then day, then year:


Elsewhere upon Gaia, humanity employs a smallest to largest date notation:


Better still for computational record management, we have year, then month, then day, so you can sort chronologically by filename in a folder. A pleasure:


To illustrate 13th October 2011 can be written as:

13/10/11 or 13/10/2011
10/13/11 or 10/13/2011
11.10.13 or 2011.10.13

Day Dual Twist #

Come with me as we march on like time…

99.999999% of digital watches display the time as hours, then minutes, then seconds:


But here, our heroic Synoke design team subvert expectations.
Why should we be satisfied with the boring, globally accepted time notation format?
Genius and evolution demand drastic creative experimentation.
Mutations that are sometimes dead-ends…yet other times; new beginnings.

Gaze upon all that I have made, ye consummate, conspicuous consumers. Look now, my top screen displays days of the week…and seconds?! My bottom screen displays hours and minutes.

The future is no longer:




Colores, colores! #

The colours are achingly gorgeous!

The perfectly inviting azure lagoon on top, promising exotic encounters and trysts with every 32,768 quivering beats of quartz heart conditioned to leap forward one second; and every 86,400 seconds advancing to the next day.

Below, a lusciously fresh, verdant, positively buxom green reliably wenches round every 60 second AND every 60 minutes, splaying forth new cells and sectional digits as it churns silk into butter.

Lights, Action! #

But wait, there is more.

A uniform light cradles and floods each display to its most delicate extremities. Even and balanced, with tender love and care it sizzles around the edges and electrifies digit cell pool too, exciting them to a glowing fervent clarity in the dark.

Truly, this watch is beyond compare in design and manufacture. Why spend 10,000 dollars to look like almost every other follicly-challenged, champagne-chugging, chum-bucket, garrulous gorilla golfer, when you can look so great with a 10 dollar, dual-screen delight; so effortlessly demoting every other species of watch down the food chain, with its bold design, and democratic pricing?

Bye, buy! #

Tip your hat to me by purchasing with my onion affiliate here, or…use the not so demure (non-affiliate) link here. Be a dear.

Thanks for reading Wristwatch Roulette of .

Two weeks, two watches, two reviews, to you. 2024-H2 side-mission: Wristwatch Roulette.

  1. Wristwatch Roulette : R-Shock
  2. Wristwatch Roulette : Synoke “Robocwatch”
  3. Wristwatch Roulette : Synoke “DS”